Thursday, October 18, 2007


So in my infinite wisdom, I've realized that a blog of me going on about my experiences reading DC straight through...well, it may get boring in some parts. I'm sure everything I say is fascinating, obviously, but how many times do you need me to say "Well, this Showcase bored me, but I suffered through it?"

Probably just once, right?

So here's the deal. On Mondays, that's what you'll get--me going on about the DC stuff I read that week as part of my "project". I'll give the review, recommendations, blah blah know, everything I promised in my original post.

On Wednesdays, I'll post about the DC comics I bought that day (and, if there are any spectacular comics published by other companies I happen to buy, maybe I'll mention them--but this is a DC blog). So you'll get to learn my current buying practices, and watch as I look for excuses to stop buying titles, and then I'll plug my favorites excessively and you'll learn to hate me.

And then on Saturdays, I'll do my best to write up a post about any comic news from the week. For instance, if I had this blog a week ago, you'd probably see my reactions on the new Captain America images and on Chuck Dixon taking over Batman and the Outsiders from Tony Bedard. Instead, I'll skip that. But that's what Saturdays will be for.

And if, for some reason, I decide something is so dramatically important that it can't wait until one of those days, I may randomly post something else. These posts will probably seem inspired to only myself at the time, and the next day I'll want to delete them. But I won't. Probably.

And remember, procrastination is your friend. This means I'll probably ignore the schedule completely and promise I'll fix it all next week, without ever actually doing so.

In about two seconds I'll start my already-late "Wednesday" post of the comics I bought this week. See? I just started this thing yesterday and I'm messing everything up.


HotAndCold said...

Ignoring your own schedule is totally what comics blogging is all about!

...Not that I'VE set up any sort of schedule to speak of, granted.

shanealt said...

Does...does this mean I have a reader?

JLI love for the win, am I right?

HotAndCold said...

Hey, if I'm going to demand that other people care about my blathering, I might as well return the favor and read their blather, right? :P

Oh, totally. *High-five*

Though I still grin maliciously every time I see Tora with that seal. Apologies.

shanealt said...

I really need to get that issue of Martian Manhunter.

Might as well add it to the list of comics to buy...